Weekly Schedule
Weekly Schedule
10am | Sunday Morning Service - The Ranch Church - Pastor Strat Goodhue
10am | TRC Youth Group - The Upper Room - Jonathan Riddarskjold
10am | Children's Church - Lower Level - Bill and Laurie Lawson
6:00pm | Book of 1st John - Fellowship Hall - Pastor Strat Goodhue
6:30pm Potluck and 7pm teaching | Home Fellowship - Wailupe (Aina Hina) - Call for info 808-721-9252 | Children are Welcomed!
8:00am | All Invited Prayer Meeting - Every Saturday - Fellowship Hall
8:00am | Women's Prayer - 1st & 3rd Saturday - Niu Valley - Kehau Matsumoto - (808) 373-4561
9:30am - 12:30pm | Ranch Work Party - 1st Saturday - The Ranch Church